InDesign Training Examples
So exactly what do you get to do on an Introduction to InDesign Training Course? Well in essence you learn the tools, interface, features and functions that you need to create, edit and design documents for print, social media, web or whatever. By whatever, I do mean whatever because InDesign is so versatile it is used for many things. On the Intro Course its used to produce flyers, newsletters, brochures, tender documents. Instead of chatting about it here on the blog we thought you might like to take a look at a few InDesign Training Examples from previous courses.
InDesign Gallery Examples
Introduction to InDesign Training Examples
On the InDesign Courses the exercises are really flexible and delegates are free to experiment with colour, layout, typography and styles to create their own spreads and layout. These courses are delivered as Online InDesign Training and also are available as Onsite InDesign Training on your premises.
You can also find out what others had to say about the training on the testimonials page or over at the Greta Powell page
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