Adobe Captivate 2017 Training
Our Adobe Captivate 2017 Training courses are either hosted onsite at your premises or via a virtual Adobe Captivate training session with a live instructor. This course will take you through many of Captivates features including software simulations, rich media and quizzes showing you how to produce rich full on interactive eLearning projects.
This course will give you a firm understanding of the software and its major feature and is perfect for those looking for a good understanding of the software to build solid and professional eLearning projects.
Adobe Captivate 2017 Training
what will I learn?
- Create and edit software simulations
- Create and include an FMR recording in a project
- Inserting /Editing Slides
- Slide Masters
- Insert & Edit Audio & VIdeo
- Insert & Edit Images
- Learning Interactions
- Create Quizzes, Add Questions and work with Question Pools
- Publish to various platforms
(LMS’s, HTML5, YouTube etc)
Online Captivate Training
This course is also available as Online Captivate Training with a live instructor in real time. It can be delivered as virtual learning to groups of people or as a one to one session.
Because it is virtual online training it can be delivered literally at any time of the day at your convenience.
You will have live contact with the instructor throughout your training and be able to view the trainers screen, share your screen then chat and interact with the training – all in real time.
All the courses featured on the website are now available as an online training option.
Find out more about Online Training
Adobe Captivate Training – course info
Onsite Captivate Training is ideal for individuals or larger closed company courses and any content can be tweaked according to your individual requirements.
Onsite Captivate Training
With Onsite Captivate training we come directly out to you and host the course on your premises. Flexibility is the watchword and we can arrange large team roll outs, 121 sessions, company groups /workshops. Onsite courses are perfect for companies looking for a more private, customised approach to their training.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss your company requirements in more depth.
There are a number of benefits to onsite courses but the main ones are:
The training is focused entirely on your and your company requirements
No traveling involved for you or your team saving travel & expenses
Cheaper than traditional training
The approach is focused specifically on you and your specific needs this is not a generic one size fits all course.
Prior to the training we organise a call to discuss your aims, content preferences and levels of delegate /s knowledge
The Captivate course can tailored to suit you or your team
Flexible dates & times to suit you
Captivate Training
who is it for?
This Captivate Training Course is ideal for content creators, instructional designers, trainers and educational teams.
Don’t have a good day, have a great one
Captivate Courses – Greta Powell Training
Adobe Captivate Software
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