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  • Adobe Lightroom in Education

    Posted on 26th March 2018 by Greta Powell

    Adobe Lightroom Training – for schools

    It was recently a great pleasure to deliver an Adobe Lightroom Course combined with an Adobe Photoshop course to a school in Lincolnshire. This was for the Photography and Media departments who were particularly interested in looking into Lightroom CC to add features to their school curriculum later this year. The approach to this Adobe Lightroom Training was quite simple – a basic overview of its tools and tabs and how it could be adapted for straightforward use for their students.


    There were three people on the Adobe Lightroom Training in Lincolnshire and with differing skill-sets and areas of interest it was decided to split the day up into two with the Adobe Photoshop Training in the morning and Lightroom Course in the afternoon.

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    Training Reviews

    Posted on 14th March 2018 by Greta Powell

    Training Reviews



    Greta Powell Training Reviews










    InDesign Training










    Whatever the requirement or however obscure the training request please get in touch to discuss how I can assist with your design training needs


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    Don’t have a good day, have a great one.


    Greta Powell Training Ltd




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