Photoshop for Photographers Training

Photoshop filters and depth of field

Our online Adobe Photoshop for Photographers Training Course shows how to get the best from your photographs during the image processing stage.

This is tailored Photoshop course designed for photographers. It covers the basics then focuses on the tools and features used to enhance photography, these include working with the Camera RAW filter, healing tools, colour adjustments and blur options.

Photoshop Training Courses

In addition to online training we have onsite Photoshop Training courses available which are hosted on your premises, home or office. Courses are delivered UK wide including most large towns and cities, Northampton, Cheltenham, Hereford, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Nottingham, York and Blackpool.

Get in touch to find out about availability in your area

Tailored Photoshop Training Courses

Whether you’re interest is macro, portrait or wedding photography we can tailor photoshop courses around you.

How do the online Photoshop Training Courses work?

Online Photoshop Training courses are held with a virtual live instructor who you have contact with throughout the course via video, chat and screen sharing.

All our digital design courses are available online.

If you have any questions about any of our Online Adobe Training Courses please do not hesitate to pick up the phone or drop us an email.

Find out more about Online Training

Are Adobe Training Courses available over the weekend?

Yes they are, we offer them on a 24 /7 basis, overnight and at weekends. We can also deliver these in 1/2 day blocks over the weekend. All the dates and timings are flexible and arranged to suit your schedule.

About Photoshop Courses

Flexibility is our watchword with training. This Photoshop Course takes between one and two days depending on the amount of people sitting on the training. One to one training is usually a day and for groups of 3 plus people two days.


We are happy to customise the training and add /remove content if required or work with your files on the course.

Prior to the training we usually organise an online meeting to discuss both the course content and the logistics of the course.

Added bonus to Online Photoshop Training

An added bonus of Online Photoshop Training Courses is that there is no travel involved by anyone meaning a little less impact on the planet. It’s also great for those working from home days wherever you are, the UK, the US.

Where do you visit for onsite Photoshop Training?

The Onsite Photoshop course is delivered UK wide including all major cities and their surrounding areas. We travel as far apart as Leicester, Derby, Birmingham, Coventry, Lincoln, Chester, Nottingham, Stoke on Trent, Oxford, Northampton, Sheffield, Peterborough, Cheltenham, Hereford, and Harrogate. It would probably be easier to say where don’t we go.

How do onsite Photoshop Training Courses work?

The Adobe Photoshop Training is an extremely flexible course and can be organised for one to one sessions, company groups /workshops and larger team roll-outs. Onsite training offers great flexibility with both course content and dates and times which can all be worked around you.


  • The Photoshop Training is hands on working through tasks, theory and discussion
  • No travel, hotels or other expenses are involved for your staff
  • Onsite Photoshop Courses are cheaper than traditional training
  • The course is focused on you and your team as there are no external attendees.
  • Prior to the course you chat about the course with the trainer and have a clear structure.
  • Flexible dates and times.

Where do you visit for onsite Photoshop Training?

You learn how to work within Photoshop’s interface including workspaces, panels and tools.


The course follows Adobe’s non-destructive workflow so amongst other things you’ll learn about Adjustment Layers, duplicating backgrounds and masking amongst others.


As well as removing white /patterned backgrounds, learning image sizing and resolution you will learn how to retouch your photo’s using tools such as Clone Stamp, Healing Brush, Content Aware and the remove tool.

Photoshop’ AI Tools

You will cover Adobe Intellisense otherwise known as AI and find out which tools work best for photographers. We’ll also discuss AI an photo competitions as sometimes there are restrictions about using AI.

This Photoshop Course is also practical and explains things such as file formats and when to use them, how to work with RAW files


  • Work with Photoshop’s Interface, Tools & Panels
  • Quick Select, Object Selection and Colour Wand Tools
    Select & Mask
  • Work with Layers /Adjustment Layers
  • Follow a non- destructive Work Flow
  • Image Size & Resolution
  • Combining Lightroom & Photoshop
  • Adobe Camera Raw Filter
  • Adjustment Presets
  • AI Tools
  • Photoshop Blur Gallery
  • Colour Correction & Enhancement
  • Lens Correction Techniques
  • Colour Correction & Enhancement

Our training sessions cover all aspects of Photoshop from importing/exporting photo’s, retouching and recolouring, layers, resizing and resolution etc.

We always work very closely with our clients from the start of their Photoshop training project through to the very end focusing totally on their learning needs and current ability with the software.

Post-processing is something of an artform during which you edit and enhance your photographs after they leave the camera.


The post process encompasses a wide range of features including cropping, resizing, adjusting the colours, the contrast, shadows, highlights and much more in the photo.


The most recent AI tools are also included during the training although we do realise there are strict rules around these when entering photo competitions.

What is the difference between post-production and post processing

Post production involves everything done after using the camera including post-processing, sorting, backing up files, printing, and the eventual delivery of the completed photo whereas post processing refers to the processing undergone by the photograph during the Photoshop stage.

Post-processing is something of an artform during which you edit and enhance your photographs after they leave the camera.


The post process encompasses a wide range of features including cropping, resizing, adjusting the colours, the contrast, shadows, highlights and much more in the photo.


The most recent AI tools are also included during the training although we do realise there are strict rules around these when entering photo competitions.

What is the difference between post-production and post processing

Post production involves everything done after using the camera including post-processing, sorting, backing up files, printing, and the eventual delivery of the completed photo whereas post processing refers to the processing undergone by the photograph during the Photoshop stage.

An added bonus of online training courses is no travels involved with less stress on the planet so environmentally it makes great sense as well.


No fighting traffic or public transport just get up, have tea /coffee, something to eat, turn on the computer and we’ll be there ready to deliver your course.

And by the way we don’t care if you’re wearing your Jim-Jams or last nights lop-sided party hat.

All our digital design courses are available online.

If you have any questions about any of our Online Adobe Training courses please do not hesitate to pick up the phone or drop us an email.

Owned by Adobe Photoshop is probably the most famous image editing software in the world.


It’s used for a myriad of purposes including creating social media designs, editing video, yes, it has video editing tools as well, and is used by photographers to edit and enhance photographs. They also use to create digital artwork, collages and social media images for marketing purposes.

With Photoshop you can take your design to a whole new level and create images for print projects such marketing materials, magazines and flyers. It also gives you the ability to design logos, animations and digital artwork for the web.

Photoshop integrates perfectly with most of the other Creative Cloud apps including InDesign, Illustrator and Acrobat letting you seamlessly switch between each one.

Once you’ve perfected your images in Photoshop you can simply drop them into InDesign or Illustrator.

Not only does Photoshop give you the ability to work with photo’s but it also lets you work with animations and video letting you create animated GIF’s and short videos. It’s excellent for short marketing videos .

Photoshop for Photographers Training - Overviews

Photoshop Digital Workflow using Lightroom

Lightroom to Photoshop

Adobe Bridge Stacks

Filter Images


Photoshop AI Tools

Generative Expand /Fill

Generative Prompts

Neural Filters

Adaptive Presets

Photoshop Retouching Tools

Clone Stamp, Healing Brush, Spot Healing

Content Aware Move Tool

Red Eye

Photoshop SmartObjects & SmartFilters

None Destructive Workflows

Working with SmartObjects

Creating /Editing SmartObjects

Working with SmartFilters

Creating /editing SmartFilters

Filter Techniques

Lens Correction Filters

Photoshop Blur Gallery

Image Sharpening Techniques

Photoshop Selection Techniques

Quick Select Tool /Object Selection Tool

Select & Mask

Refining Selections

Magic Wand Tool

Photoshop Camera Raw Processing

Importing RAW files

Importing RAW files as Smart Objects

Working with RAW files

Camera RAW Plugin Panels
(Basic, Colour Mix, Colour Grading)

Local Adjustments /Adjustment Brush

Photoshop Layers

Working with Layers

Inserting /Duplicating /Deleting Layers

Linking /Unlinking Layers

Layer Order

Flattening Layers

Photoshop Export /Print

Exporting Images

Exporting for Digital

Print Preparation

Printing to Professional Agencies

Photoshop Adjustment Layers

Adjustment layers

Adjustment layer masks editing

Graduating colour effects

Manipulating adjustment layers


Adjustment Layers

Colour Correction

Colour Enhancement

Hue & Saturation




  • First person: £275.00 per day
  • Second /Subsequent persons: £75.00 per day each
  • Company Groups above 6 persons: please contact to discuss pricing
  • *T&C’s apply

*Travel Expenses may be incurred depending on location

Onsite Photoshop Training Locations

This Photoshop Course is run across the Midlands, Leicester, Nottingham, Peterborough, Northampton, Sheffield, the North, Leeds, Liverpool, the East, Lincoln, Boston, Norwich, Hull, Huddersfield, Cirencester, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Cotswolds, Stamford, Worcester, Lincoln, Liverpool