Adobe Photoshop Intermediate Training Course

On this online Photoshop Intermediate Training course build on your existing skills or use it as a follow up to our Introduction to Adobe Photoshop Training.

The course content is packed with tools and features to enhance and streamline your current workflow for print or digital and is full of handy tips, shortcuts and creative techniques. 

Flexible Photoshop Course Content

On this course you will have plenty of opportunity to investigate exciting creative techniques including the latest content aware (AI) tools, working with advanced masking and layers, more professional selections, animations and video for digital and social media output. 

Flexibility is our watchword and you’re welcome to bring your own photo’s and artwork to the session to work with.

How do Online Photoshop Training Courses work?

This is also available as an Online Photohop Intermediate Training session with a virtual live instructor.

You will have continuous live contact with your instructor throughout the whole of your course both via video, chat and sharing screens in real time.

All our digital design courses are available online.

We are happy to record your Photoshop training session but due to privacy issues can only offer this to company groups or private individuals 

If you have any questions about any of our Online Adobe Training Courses please do not hesitate to pick up the phone or drop us an email. 

Are the Adobe Training Courses available over the weekend?

Yes they are, we offer them on a 24 /7 basis and are quite happy to deliver them in 1/2 day blocks over the weekend. Please get in touch to discuss this with us.

Find out more about Photoshop Online Training

Onsite Adobe Photoshop Intermediate Courses

Our Photoshop Courses are also available onsite for one to one sessions or company groups which are hosted on your premises at times and dates to suit you 

Benefits of onsite Photoshop Intermediate Training
  • There is no travelling for you or your team saving travel, hotel and any additional expenses
  • It is cheaper than traditional training as the trainer visits you
  • Prior to the Photoshop Course we arrange an online meeting to discuss course content
  • The course can be tailored to suit you and your company
  • Flexible dates & times to suit you
  • Full after course support for as long as you need it

We run Photoshop Courses at all levels from beginners to advanced and also offer workshops and tailored Photoshop Training.

Photoshop Introduction Training Course

Photoshop Advanced Training Course

Photoshop Social Media Training Course

Photoshop Elements Training

This Photoshop Intermediate Training is designed for those who already have experience in the software and want to build and strengthen current skill levels. It is perfect for one to one sessions, company groups and larger team roll-outs. Over the years we have delivered this course UK wide to marketing, print production, design studios, schools, universities, the construction industry and many more. 

An added bonus of our online courses is there’s no travel involved meaning less stress on the planet so environmentally it makes great sense.

No fighting traffic or public transport just get up, have tea /coffee, something to eat, turn on the computer and we’ll be there ready to deliver your course.

And by the way we don’t care if you’re wearing your Jim-Jams or last nights lop-sided party hat.

All our digital design courses are available online. If you have any questions about any of our Online Adobe Training courses please do not hesitate to pick up the phone or drop us an email.

You will learn how to work with photography to produce professional imagery for print and digital output. Some examples from previous courses are shown as examples below but again the watchword is flexibility.

Full Photoshop Course content can be viewed at the bottom of the screen
  • Create Social Media Images /Multiple Artboards
  • Vectors & Social Media Icons
  • SmartObjects & SmartFilters
  • Create & Edit Animated GIFS
  • Work with Frame Based Animation
  • Create & Edit Short Videos
  • Work with the Pen & Paths
  • Layer Masks
  • Brushes
  • Power Masking

Our Onsite Photoshop Courses are available across the UK so please get in touch to discuss availability in your area. We visit all major cities and their surrouding areas including Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Lancashire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Oxfordshire and the Cotswolds.

The courses run for between one and two days depending on the Photoshop content and the amount of delegates sitting on the training. For one person a day usually suffices but for small groups of between 4 and 6 people two days is more realistic.  

Adobe Photoshop Intermediate Training Course - Overviews

Working with Pen / Paths Tool

Working with Pen Tool

Understanding the Paths Panel

Creating Workpaths / Clipping Paths

Effective and Precise Masking using Pen Tool

Creating /Saving Path Selections

Fill /Stoke Options


Photoshop Masks

Understanding Masks

Effective Masking Techniques

Working with Brushes & Masks

Masking Modes

Masking Properties

Photoshop Layer Masks

Understanding Masks

Working with Brushes

Editing Mask Properties

Mask Modes

Layer Masks & Creative Flow

Work with Clipping Masks

Photoshop Smart Objects

Working with Smart Objects

Linked Smart Objects for Shared Source Files

Smart Objects & Pixel Editing

Smart Objects & Smart Filters

Smart Object Linking

Smart Object Advantages

Photoshop Editing

Extending Canvas with Content Scale

Vanishing Point Filters

Content Aware

Perspective Retouch

Image Adjustments

Print and Web Output & Export

Print Dialogue Options

Web Galleries using Bridge

Save for Web & Devices

Slice a Web Layout using Layer Slices & Slice Tool

Export Layers

Export for Multi-Document PDF’s

Photoshop Brushes and Brush Panel

Photoshop Workspace

Navigating Photoshop

Photoshop Toolbox

Photoshop Panels

Photoshop Properties Panel

Window Menu

Layer Blending

Colour Modes RGB /CMYK


Accurate Colour Sampling


  • First person: £275.00 per day
  • Second /Subsequent persons: £75.00 per day each
  • Company Groups above 6 persons: please contact to discuss pricing
  • *T&C’s apply

*Travel Expenses may be incurred depending on location

Onsite Photoshop Training Locations

This Photoshop Course is run across the Midlands, Leicester, Nottingham, Peterborough, Northampton, Sheffield, the North, Leeds, Liverpool, the East, Lincoln, Boston, Norwich, Hull, Huddersfield, Cirencester, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Cotswolds, Stamford, Worcester, Lincoln, Liverpool