Microsoft Word 2013 Intro Course
We also run Microsoft Word Introduction Courses in Microsoft Word 2003, Microsoft Word 2007 and Microsoft Word 2010. All our Word Introduction courses can be viewed on the Training Courses Page
Microsoft Word 2013 Intro Course - Overviews
Basic’s of Microsoft Word 2013
User Interface, Quick Access and Mini Toolbar
Standard & Contextual Ribbons
File Tab
Various Tabs
Status Bar Tools
Dialog Boxes
Task Panes
Tabs, Tab Stops and Leaders
Setting up Tab Stops
Working with Tabs
Formatting, editing Tabs
Using Tabs on the ruler bar
Leader & Bar Tabs
Set up document for Tabs
Using paragraph formatting with Tabs.
Working with multiple pages in Word 2013
- Inserting, deleting page breaks
- Types of page breaks, page orientation to Landscape or Portrait
- Viewing Headers and Footers
- Creating Basic Page numbering,Set Page borders,
- Insert Watermarks
Document Navigation
Different Views, Print, Reading & Draft
Entering & working with text
Discussion & practical about basic text workings such as text wrap
Find/Replace/Replace All
Spell Check, Thesaurus, Grammar
Word 2013 Navigation Task Pane
Read mode
Printing with Word 2013
Printing out documents
Print options / Print Setup
Print to local printer
Print to .PDF
Work with print settings
Troubleshooting potential print problems
Working with Word 2013 Documents
New documents
Templates, using templates, editing templates
Saving, closing, opening exisiting documents
Non-printing characters
Selection techniques
Using Help menu
Bullets & Numbering
Using Bullets
Working with bullets, adding, editing, formatting bulleted lists
Indenting & positioning bullets
Using Numbered Lists
Working with numbered lists, adding, editing, formatting numbered lists, changing numbered format & types
Formatting Microsoft Word 2013 documents
Working with Word 2013 documents
Fonts, font formats, size, spacing, type, colour, effects
Default fonts for new Word 2013 documents
Understand Word 2013 Paragraph formating, justifying, paragraph spacking before & after
Inserting non breaking hyphens and spaces
Inserting graphics and video
The more persons on the course the more you benefit. All prices inc. VAT
- Standard rate for one person is £240.00 inc VAT
- Additional persons £40.00 inc VAT
This price is all inclusive and covers 6 months Word Training post support with the Word Trainer who delivered your course, access to our online additional learning resources.
Word 2013 Introduction Training Course one day