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  • Lightroom or Photoshop?

    Posted on 7th March 2023 by Greta Powell

    Lightroom or Photoshop?

    What is Lightroom and what is Photoshop – which one is best?


    Obviously both are image editing software and probably in most peoples minds lumped together as one and the same but that’s not really the case. When choosing between one or the other it’s probably best to ask the question “what do I want to do with image images so which editing software would work well for me”. 


    The short answer to this would be if you are solely working with a large amount of photographs which you need to edit and want to keep track of then Lightroom would probably be fine. But if you are looking to enhance photograph’s and design social media ad’s, use images with text for print production or design beautiful graphic art then Photoshop may be the best choice.


    That’s the short to the point answer – however……………


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    Symmetry in Photoshop

    Posted on 23rd May 2022 by Greta Powell

    Symmetry in Photoshop

    Using the Paint Symmetry tool in Photoshop lets you create mirrored and symmetrical designs and patterns such as mandalas. Symmetry works with the brushes, eraser and pencil as well as with layer masking and there are ten symmetry tools available to use. 


    For this particular post we’ve chosen to work with the Mandala tool.


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    Photoshop Adjustment Layers

    Posted on 29th June 2021 by Greta Powell

    Photoshop Adjustment Layers

    So what are Photoshop Adjustment Layers and why are they different to any other layer? Is it better to use Adjustment Layers or apply an adjustment directly from the Image menu. If so, why so?


    Adjustment layers are a part of the Adobe Photoshop none destructive workflow and so the answer is yes in most instances. They give you far more flexibility and control over image editing than working directly on a normal layer. You can apply a number of edits to them such as colour and tone changes without affecting pixel values. An adjustment layer sits ‘on top’ of the image layer as shown in the example below and the panel is turned on and off from the Window menu. Once an adjustment layer has been selected it will appear directly above the working layer.

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    Adobe Photoshop 2021 Training Update

    Posted on 19th January 2021 by Greta Powell

    Adobe Photoshop 2021 Training Update –
    Whats New?

    Find out whats new in this Adobe Photoshop 2021 Training Update post. This latest update of Photoshop offers so many cool new features that we have rewritten our Introduction to Photoshop Course adding the new content as and where necessary. We will definitely be adding the Sky Replacement Tool to our Photoshop for Photographers Training.


    So what has changed in this latest version?


    Fundamentally there are four main new features in the update – which are…………………………


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    Virtual Photoshop Course – Eventbrite

    Posted on 20th November 2020 by Greta Powell

    Virtual Photoshop Course – Eventbrite

    This Virtual Photoshop Course – Eventbrite follows a similar theme to our onsite Photoshop course. The only real difference is that is being hosted as a public session via Eventbrite. There are a number of different dates available but the last one for 2020 will be on the 16th December. 


    What will you learn?

    Following the Introduction to Photoshop Course outline this training will introduce to the basics of Photoshop and show you how to create content for both print and web. You will learn to select, edit and print high quality images plus produce and publish GIF’s & short video for digital output and social media.


    How much is the Virtual Photoshop Course?

    £95.00 all inclusive per person – this price is only for those booking via Eventbrite


    How long is the Photoshop Course?

    One day starting at 10.00 AM and finishing at 4.30 PM


    Book online here at Eventbrite


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    Online Photoshop Training Eventbrite

    Posted on by Greta Powell

    Online Photoshop Training Eventbrite

    There are still tickets available for the Online Photoshop Training Eventbrite session on the 16th of December 2020, other dates are available. This is being run as a public online Photoshop course at the special price of £95.00 per person and can be booked online.


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    Online Adobe Training Courses

    Posted on 28th July 2020 by Greta Powell

    Online Adobe Training Courses

    All our Online Adobe Training Courses are now available for booking directly online via Reed.co.uk. We currently have two scheduled courses coming up in August but more will be added as when we can schedule them. These are the same courses as here onsite but because we can organise them as scheduled courses we can offer them at the greatly reduced price of £90.00 per person all inclusive.


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    Photoshop Retro Training

    Posted on 26th May 2020 by Greta Powell

    Photoshop Retro Training

    So during these last few weeks the focus has been on getting the courses delivered online and finally there seems to be headway. People seem to be taking advantage of the small bite sized chunks – they can just ring in or email with a problem and depending on the situation either hook up immediately or make a time later in the day.

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    Photoshop or Lightroom Training?

    Posted on 16th February 2020 by Greta Powell

    Photoshop or Lightroom Training?

    The question is exactly what do you want to do with your image editing software. Obviously you want to edit photographs but when making the choice between Photoshop or Lightroom training you need to be a little more specific. Do you want to simply edit images, do you work with large amounts of images, want to create graphics, design social media images and animated GIF’s the list seems almost never-ending.


    Which do you choose? The answer to that is it really depends on is what you need to do and the particular project /s at hand. So this is a post listing the key parts of each piece of software and their use in certain projects. 


    In this post we take a look at both pieces of software and way up the pros and cons. Incidentally Adobe provide a number of different subscription options over on their website you can choose from.

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    New Tools in Photoshop

    Posted on 30th October 2019 by Greta Powell

    New and Not so New Tools in Photoshop

    With new tools coming to Photoshop we thought it would be a good idea to give a heads up as to what they might. We also thought it might be an idea to include some of the not so new as well. Not the newest but certainly one of the most popular features on the Photoshop Courses is the Content Aware Fill tool which has been greatly updated in the latest versions. 


    Then there is the New Object Selection Tool coming to Photoshop in the very near future. But this is going to be quite a fluid post so as and when new tools appear we’ll add them to this post but in the meantime take a quick look at these Youtube videos to get an idea of what goes on in the software.


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