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  • Illustrator Training Tips

    Posted on 23rd April 2018 by Greta Powell

    Illustrator Training Tips

    The Illustrator Training Tips demonstrate just how many effective Illustrator Tools are concealed under the hood of the software. One of these is the Illustrator Width Tool covered on the Introduction to Illustrator Course which is used to adjust the thickness of stroke on objects such as primitives, geometric’s and straight lines. 


    Illustrator’s Width Tool is covered on the Introduction to Illustrator Training Course but in the meantime why not take a quick look at the two mini video tutorials on the Illustrator width tool.


    Illustrator Width Tool


    This particular tool has its origins in Illustrator CS5 and all you need to activate the width tool is to draw a vector shape which in the Illustrator tutorial below is a circle


    Draw out a circle or shape using the shape tool in Tool’s


    Hold down Shift to create a perfect circle


    Ellipse tool in Adobe Illustrator













    Once the shape has been drawn out leave it selected 


    Go to the ‘Width Tool’ found on the Toolbox

    (these are found further down the drop down)


    Press Shift + W to quickly activate the tool


    Width Tool in Adobe Illustrator











    You then simply move the cursor along the stroke.


    Click and Drag from the centre to increase the stroke width or asymmetrically distort the stroke by holding down ALT as you drag


    Using the Width Tool in Adobe Illustrator

    For a more in-depth look at Illustrator’s width tool take a look at the video below





    Using the Width Tool in Adobe Illustrator – Part 2

    Illustrator Training Tips

    The Illustrator Training Courses are full of quick tips and cover some of the more obscure tools. Did you know that any of the Illustrator Training Courses can be tailored at no extra cost to you? Why not get in touch to discuss your Illustrator Training requirements.


    Camtasia Training

    The bite sized video tutorials were put together using Camtasia – if you’d like to know more about my Camtasia training courses, Captivate Training, Articulate Training please take a look at the links above or get in touch with me for an informal chat about your training requirements. You can also view these videos on the Greta Powell Training Youtube Channel


    Illustrator Training Courses – where?

    Illustrator Training Courses are run onsite across the UK, these are delivered at all levels from Introduction through to Advanced (Tailored training is also available). These are run the length and breadth of the country including the Midlands, Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Sheffield, Worcester, Lincoln, Cheltenham, Liverpool, Birmingham, Stafford, Hull, Peterborough, Chester and just about every other location across the UK


    Popular Illustrator Courses

    Introduction to Illustrator Training

    Intermediate Illustrator Training

    Illustrator Fashion Design Training


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    Don’t have a good day, have a great one


    Greta Powell Training - Illustrator Width Tool







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