Adobe Training Courses in Liverpool
Our onsite Adobe Training Courses in Liverpool and Merseyside are hosted on your premises across the region and include the major parts of Creative Cloud including Photoshop, InDesign and Premiere Pro training.
We specialise in short tailored Adobe Courses that give you the skills to create, edit and publish a wide range of artwork /documentation for print, digital and social media.
“A one size fits all approach to training” doesn’t work for everyone which is why here at Greta Powell Training we believe in the freedom of tailored Adobe Training. You can completely tailor your course content and level by cherry picking from our course overviews.
Online Adobe training sessions are held via video link with a live instructor or we visit you onsite to deliver Adobe Training Courses across Liverpool and Merseyside for one to one sessions or private company groups.
What will you learn on Adobe Courses in Liverpool?
Depending on which course /courses you choose you can learn to enhance photography in Photoshop, create spreads & layouts in InDesign, produce short professional footage on the Premiere Pro training and design artwork for print, digital and social media.
A few of our recent courses.
- Adobe Creative Cloud Training
- Adobe MasterClass Training
- Introduction to Adobe InDesign Training
- Introduction to Adobe Express Training
- Introduction to Adobe Acrobat Training
- Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro Training
- InDesign & Photoshop Combo Course
- Adobe Lightroom Training Course
- Adobe After Effects Introduction Training
- Adobe After Effects Intermediate Training
- QuickStart Adobe Premiere Pro Training
- Adobe Premiere Pro Introduction Training
- Adobe Premiere Pro Intermediate Training
- Adobe Premiere Pro Advanced Training
Who are the courses for?
These are perfect for small business owners looking to bring their design in-house and wanting to build on their print and social media assets. Over the years we have delivered these courses to marketing departments, designers, photographers, educators, construction amongst others.
It is also ideal for companies wishing to up-skill their staff and private individuals who need to be more involved in the design flow of their roles.
This courses are flexible and course content is only given as a guide. We are happy to adapt the course to your needs & can create completely tailored Adobe Training Course content for you and your staff.
During the course you will learn the same techniques and features used by professional designers to produce high quality assets for print, social media and video.
How do online Adobe classes work?
This course also runs as Online Adobe Training and delivered directly to you via your computer with a live instructor and covering the exact same content as the onsite one giving you the skills needed to create, edit and publish your own video and short reels.
You will have continuous live contact with your instructor throughout the whole of your course both via video, chat and sharing screens in real time.
All our digital design courses are available online.
If you have any questions about any of our Online Adobe Training Courses please do not hesitate to pick up the phone or drop us an email.
Are the Adobe Training Courses available over the weekend?
Yes they are, we offer them on a flexible 24 /7 basis and if requested can be delivered in 1/2 day blocks during the week and weekend.
Please get in touch to discuss.
Another Added Bonus, or two of Online Creative Cloud Courses:
An added bonus of our online courses is there’s no travel involved meaning less stress on the planet so environmentally it makes great sense.
No fighting traffic or public transport just get up, have tea /coffee, something to eat, turn on the computer and we’ll be there ready to deliver your course.
And by the way we don’t care if you’re wearing your Jim-Jams or last nights lop-sided party hat.
All our digital design courses are available online. If you have any questions about any of our Online Adobe Training courses please do not hesitate to pick up the phone or drop us an email.
What are the benefits of Onsite Adobe Training?
The main one of course being you save money but there are numerous benefits to onsite courses but the main ones are:
The training is focused entirely on your and your company requirements
There is no travelling or overnight stays involved for you or your team saving travel & expenses
Cheaper than traditional training
The approach is focused specifically on you and your specific needs this is not a generic one size fits all course.
Prior to the training you chat with us about your aims, content preferences and levels of delegate /s knowledge
InDesign course is tailored to suit you or your team
Flexible dates & times to suit you
Our Adobe training is usually run in the latest version of the software but we’re happy to deliver the course in any earlier version. Please mention your preferences at time of booking.
Photoshop Training Course
The course starts at the very beginning where you will learn how to retouch, design and edit photos to produce professional imagery.
You will learn the recommended none destructive workflow for your photographs and understand how layers and the various tools work. During the training you will learn how to get the best out of your photographs and understand different file formats such as RAW, PNG, TIFF and when and how to use them.
This Photoshop Course shows you how to create and enhance images for multiple destinations such as print, web and Social Media.
- Learn the Photoshop Workspace /None Destructive Workflow
- Work with Photoshop Tools
- AI & Photoshop
- Select Part /s of Images
- Remove Background /Replace Sky (Blue Skies)
- Enhance Images such as Portraits /Social Media
- Work with Layers & Adjustment Layers
- Resize & Resolution
- Rotate & Transform Tools
- Combine Images for Compositions
- Add & Edit Text /Text Masks
- SmartObjects & SmartFilters
- Prepare Images for Print & Digital Output
Illustrator Training Course
Create vector graphics including shapes and images for multiple destinations including print,social media and the web.
Learn how to recolour, shade and enhance vector images created from both scratch and existing images. You will break down existing images into vector paths which you will then manipulate to your own style and brand.
On the Illustrator Course you will work with shapes to create unique social media icons, manipulate paths and curves to add different dimensions to your artwork.
The course will show you how to design artwork by working and designing various graphics for flyers, websites, logos, social media icons & images, banners and so forth. The Illustrator Course aims to show you how to create professional and attractive images using professional techniques and the many tools contained in the software.
- Work with Illustrator Tools, Panels & Interface
- Understand and use selection tools in Illustrator
- Work with AI
- Create, edit and manipulate geometric shapes & social media icons
- Drawing tools, pen, anchor points, pathfinder
- Use Illustrator’s layout tools including Grids, Guides, Smart Guides
- Illustrator Type Tools
- Working with Images
- Exporting /Printing to Print & Web
InDesign Training Course
Set up new documents from scratch using professional print settings such as slug & bleed, set document size etc depending on whether its for digital or print publication.
The course is very hands on and during your training course you will work with different types of text, placing & flowing text and how to set up styles for type consistency throughout a document /or series of documents. You will also work with things such as Master Pages & Grids to give your spreads exact positioning, page numbering and layouts in the documents.
During the InDesign Course you will find out how to purpose documents for both print, web and social media and understand the different file formats and processes for output. The course also covers various design techniques and shows you how to make publications look both professional and elegant.
So with this in mind we work with images, shades, colours and typefaces to add sheen to your designs.