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  • Adobe InDesign Training - Introduction to InDesign Course

    Adobe InDesign Training in Rugby, Warwickshire


    Adobe InDesign Training Courses in RugbyOur onsite Adobe InDesign Training in Rugby is hosted onsite at your premises. It’s also available virtually by video link as an Online InDesign Course with a live instructor.


    This is an Introduction to InDesign course which takes you from the basics of the software through to the publishing stage covering text and image’s along the way. 


    You will learn how to create and design effective, professional layouts and spreads and work on documents such as reports, tenders, magazines, brochures, flyers, infographics to name but a few. The content is quite flexible and we can create a tailored InDesign course that works around your design needs.


    We specialise in Tailored InDesign Training Courses so please don’t hesitate to get in touch for a chat to see how we can help with your training events.


    Contact us to find out more about our tailored InDesign courses


    Who is this InDesign Training in Rugby for?


    It is an introduction to InDesign course so perfect for those with little to no knowledge and is ideal for anyone looking to improve their visual communications and bring their layouts in-house. You don’t need any previous InDesign experience but will need to know your way around a MAC or PC.


    It is used in most areas of business from design agencies to construction and is extremely popular with those in marketing, communications, advertising and publishing.


    Please take a look at our testimonials page to see what our clients say about their InDesign Training Courses.


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    What do you learn on this InDesign Training Course?


    This InDesign Course covers the following but the full course content can be viewed at the bottom of the screen. All of our InDesign Training Courses are available as tailored events.


      • Create New Documents & Edit Existing Ones
      • Work with Type & Styles
      • Typographical Control
        Keep, Leading, Tracking, Kerning, Optical Alignment
      • Text Threading
      • Text Frames
      • Placing & Manipulating Images
      • Links Panel
      • Grids, Document Grids & Guides
      • Edit Menu /Find & Change 
      • Smart Layouts
      • Text & Image Wrapping
      • Colour
      • Strokes & Fills
      • Print & PDF /Interactive PDF



    How long is the Adobe InDesign Course?


    This depends on the amount of people sitting on the InDesign training.


    For a 121 session this course could be completed in one day but for a group of people then two days is more realistic.


    Because many of the InDesign Courses are run as bespoke training the it would also depend on the content included. 


    How does the Online InDesign Training work?


    Learn the basics of InDesignsThis is also available as an Online Photoshop for Beginners Training session with a virtual live instructor.


    You will have continuous live contact with your instructor throughout the whole of your course both via video, chat and sharing screens in real time.


    All our digital design courses are available online. 


    If you have any questions about any of our Online Adobe Training Courses please do not hesitate to pick up the phone or drop us an email. 


    Are the Adobe Training Courses available over the weekend?


    Yes they are, we offer them on a 24 /7 basis and we also offer online Adobe Courses over 1/2 day blocks.


    Please get in touch to chat about this and availability.


    Another Added Bonus, or two of Online Creative Cloud Courses:


    An added bonus of our online courses is there’s no travel involved meaning less stress on the planet so environmentally it makes great sense.


    No fighting traffic or public transport just get up, have tea /coffee, something to eat, turn on the computer and we’ll be there ready to deliver your course.


    And by the way we don’t care if you’re wearing your Jim-Jams or last nights lop-sided party hat.


    All our digital design courses are available online. If you have any questions about any of our Online Adobe Training courses please do not hesitate to pick up the phone or drop us an email.


    Find out more about Photoshop Online Training


    How does the Onsite Adobe InDesign Training in Rugby work?


    What will I learn on this InDesign Training?This Introduction to InDesign starts with the very basics of the software where you will begin with a full overview of InDesign’s tools and features.


    You will learn how to edit existing documents, create new ones from scratch and find out how to design a variety of different spreads and layouts using layout guides such as grids and guides. On the bespoke InDesign Courses you design documents and content such as flyers, handouts, company reports, annual & financial reports, tenders, multi page documents etc. Once the design is complete the course shows how to work with the Preflight panel & Package options to export them for the printers as professional layouts. 


    We also cover the Interactive side of InDesign and show you how to prepare and repurpose your documents for .PDF. This includes creating navigation buttons, web hyperlinks and a variety of other Interactive elements.


    All of our design training courses are fully customisable so please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss your specific needs.


    What are the benefits of Onsite Adobe InDesign Training?


    This is also available as Onsite InDesign Training Course which is delivered on your premises, at your home or desk-side. It is ideal for team roll-outs, private closed company courses and individual InDesign Tuition. It provides a far more targeted training approach than courses delivered at the local training centre.


    Some of the practical benefits to this type of InDesign Training is basically you save money because:


    • The training is focused entirely on you and your company requirements
    • These are not generic one size fits all InDesign Courses you design the content you want included.
    • The trainer comes out to you so no traveling involved for you or your team saving money on expenses, overnight accommodation etc
    • .Prior to the training you chat with us about your aims, content preferences and levels of delegate /s knowledge and the course designed around this
    • Flexible dates and times to suit you


    Thank you for visiting, don’t have a good day, have a great one

    Adobe InDesign Training Rugby - onsite InDesign Training across the Midlands and UK














    Adobe InDesign Training - Introduction to InDesign Course - Overviews

    Meeting InDesign

    Menu’s /Window Menu

    InDesign Interface

    InDesign Workspaces

    InDesign Navigation

    Tools & Panels


    Document Setup

    New Document

    Document Settings


    Publish for Print /Web

    Columns & Gutter

    Bleed & Slug



    Working with Objects

    Object Effects

    Object Fill & Strokes


    InDesign & Images

    Placing images

    Editing images

    Frame Fitting Options

    Working with Graphic Frames


    Working with Tables

    Create New & Edit Existing Tables

    Row & Column Styling

    Table Menu

    Table Styling


    Type Handling & Manipulation

    Placing Text

    Character styles / Paragraph styles

    Typography and layouts

    Threaded Text

    Text Flow


    Text Frames

    Text Frames

    Formatting Text Frames

    Text Frame Properties

    Text Frame – multi column setup


    Combining Type and Imagery

    Text & Graphic

    Wrapping Text to Graphic

    Wrapping Options Box

    Detect Edge & Clipping Paths


    Objects & Layout





    Stroke Panel

    Stroke Weight

    Stroke Options

    Stroke Arrows


    Smart Layout



    Baseline Grid

    Rulers (zero point)

    Smart Guides


    InDesign & Colour

    RGB, CMYK & Pantones Colour

    New Colours

    Edit Existing Colours

    Matching Colour for Print

    Swatches & Gradients

    Colour Picker 

    Colour Theme Tool


    Print Output & Export Options



    Export (print) to .PDF

    Export (Interactive) .PDF

  • Contact Greta Powell

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