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  • Photoshop Training in Northampton, Northamptonshire, Kettering, Corby

    Adobe Photoshop Training in Northampton


    Photoshop Training in Northampton - onsite & online

    Our Adobe Photoshop Training in Northampton and Northamptonshire is hosted onsite at your premises and also available as virtual Online Photoshop Training sessions held with a live instructor. 


    We run a wide range of onsite Adobe Training Courses across the Northampton region, the Midlands and UK wide and in short are happy to visit you wherever you’re located. Our courses are ideal for either 121 sessions or companies looking for a more private and custom approach to their Photoshop training event. 


    There are a wide range of courses to choose from including our Introduction to Advanced ones but mostly these days we provide tailored Photoshop Training Courses to our clients specifications.


    What other Adobe Photoshop Training Courses do you run?



    And if you prefer not to travel to your Photoshop Course?


    Not a problem because this is also available virtually as an online Photoshop Training session held with a live instructor.


    We run this on most video conferencing platforms including Zoom and Teams and its available on a 24 /7 basis offering you great flexibility time wise.


    What are the benefits of an Online Photoshop Training session?


    This Online Photoshop Course is also available with a virtual live instructor. You have direct live contact with your instructor throughout the whole of your course both via video and sharing screens in real time.


    All our digital design courses are available online in video editing software such as Zoom, Teams, WebEX and Google. It’s your choice which you prefer. 


    Our Online Photoshop Courses are ultra flexible and can be run on a 24 /7 basis including weekends, evenings or broken up into smaller bite sized sessions.


    We are happy to record your Photoshop training session for you to refer back to after the training.


    Photoshop Training Courses in the Nottinghamshire area.
    Another Added Bonus of Online Creative Cloud Courses:


    An added bonus of our online courses is there’s no travel involved meaning less stress on the planet so environmentally it makes great sense.


    No fighting traffic or public transport just get up, have tea /coffee, something to eat, turn on the computer and we’ll be there ready to deliver your course.


    And by the way we don’t care if you’re wearing your Jim-Jams or last nights lop-sided party hat.


    All our digital design courses are available online. If you have any questions about any of our Online Adobe Training courses please do not hesitate to pick up the phone or drop us an email.


    Find out more about Photoshop Online Training


    What will I learn on this Photoshop Training Course?

    Image editing software training

    On this Introduction to Photoshop Course you will learn how to retouch, recolour and repair your photographs and learn the techniques needed to produce professional images for both business and personal objectives.


    This course will go as far in depth as you need but as a general rule of thumb you will learn how Photoshop works and how to work with a variety of its features.


    You will come away with a firm understanding of Photoshop Tools & Techniques and be able to create and enhance images for both print brochures, magazines and social media channels.


    Of course this is very much a hands on course so there is plenty of practical work so by the end of the course you will understand image sizing, resolution and the correct use of colour models.


    The full Photoshop Course content can be viewed at the bottom of the page but in brief you will learn how to:


        • Work with & Understand Photoshop Tools, Panels & Interface
        • Image Size & Image Resolution
        • Correct File Formats
        • Photoshops AI Toolss
        • Understand Layers /Adjustment Layers and None-Destructive workflows
        • Colour Models, Swatches & Libraries
        • Quick Mask & Masking Techniques
        • Photoshop Type & Type Effects
        • Create, Edit and use accurate colour
        • Brushes, adding & editing brush tips & sizes
        • Make precise selections (add to and remove from selections)
        • Learn to prepare images for Print, Web and Social Media


    We usually organise an online meeting prior to the course to discuss the content and any logistics before the onsite Photoshop Course.


    If you have any questions about our Onsite Adobe Training please do not hesitate to pick up the phone or drop us an email. 


    Find out more about Photoshop Training


    What are the benefits of Onsite Adobe Photoshop Training in Northampton?


    Onsite Photoshop Courses can be totally arranged around you and your team /s or 121 sessions. There are a number of benefits to onsite courses but the main ones are:  


        • The training is focused entirely on your and your company requirements

        • No traveling involved for you or your team saving travel & expenses

        • Cheaper than traditional training

        • The approach is focused specifically on you and your specific needs this is not a generic one size fits all course. 

        • Prior to the training you chat with me about your aims, content preferences and levels of delegate /s knowledge

        • InDesign course is tailored to suit you or your team

        • Flexible dates & times to suit you


    Adobe Photoshop Training in Northampton

    This Photoshop Training is ideal for individuals or closed company courses and content can be customised to your individual requirements.  It takes between one and two days depending on the amount of people sitting on the training. For a one to one session a day usually suffices but for small groups of between 4 and 6 people two days is more realistic.


    Thank you for visiting.

    Don’t have a good day, have a great one


    Adobe Photoshop Training Northampton Photoshop Beginners Course Northamptonshire






    Photoshop Training other Locations

    This Photoshop CC Training is held onsite UK Wide including Corby, Kettering, Peterborough, Daventry, Rugby, Leicester, Nottingham, Birmingham and cities in the North including Liverpool, Blackpool, York,  Sheffield, Lancashire, Northampton, Lincolnshire


    We travel extensively across the UK so please don’t hesitate to get in touch regarding location and date availability or find out more about our Online Photoshop Training options.

    Photoshop Training in Northampton, Northamptonshire, Kettering, Corby - Overviews

    Photoshop Basics

    Create New / Open Existing Images

    Design for Print, Web or Mobile

    Work with Photoshop Presets


    Photoshop & Selections

    Lasso Tools

    Quick Select /Colour Wand

    Select Tool /Select Subject /Select Hair

    Select & Mask

    Object Selection Tool

    Selection Properties


    Photoshop Interface

    Photoshop Workspace

    Navigating Photoshop

    Photoshop Toolbox

    Photoshop Panels

    Photoshop Properties Panel

    Window Menu


    Photoshop Practicals

    Transform /Free Transform Tools

    Rotation, Warp, Distort, Perspective

    Content Aware Scale

    Edit Menu >Fill & Stroke


    Image Size & Resolution

    Image Size /Resolution

    Dimensions /Fit To

    Resample Options

    Photoshop & AI Tools

    Generative Fill /Generative Prompts

    Neural Filters

    Replace Sky


    Photoshop Crop Tool

    Crop Tool /Delete Cropped Pixels /Content-Aware

    Crop Preset /Ratio


    Photoshop & Colour

    Colour Modes RGB /CMYK


    Accurate Colour Sampling


    Photoshop Type

    Working with Type

    Editing Type

    Character & Paragraph Type

    Type Warp


    Photoshop Layers

    Create, Edit, Delete Layers

    Merge /Link /Duplicate Layers


    Photoshop Adjustment Layers

    Adobe Smart Workflow

    Working with Adjustment Layers

    Editing Adjustment Layers

    Colour & Tonal Adjustment Layers

    Photoshop Image Menu

    Colour Adjustments /Levels /Curves /Colour Balance

    Brightness & Contrast

    Converting to Black & White


    Photoshop Smart Objects – Working None-Destructively

    Smart Objects

    None Destructive Transformations

    Smart Filters


    Photoshop Retouching Tools

    Clone Stamp

    Working with Content Aware

    Healing Brush & Spot Healing Brush


    Photoshop Export

    File Formats

    Print Output

    Output to Social Media

    Output to Print

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