Adobe Photoshop Training Courses in Newmarket

This Photoshop Training Course in Newmarket and Suffolk is ideal for those looking to learn Photoshop from the very beginning or anyone wishing to build on current basic skills.

Our courses are run either as online Photoshop Training sessions with a live instructor or as onsite Photoshop Courses hosted on your premises.

Our onsite Photoshop training courses run across the UK and across the Suffolk area including Bury St Edmonds, Woodbridge and Beccles

These are private Photoshop Classes for either 121 sessions, company groups or larger team roll-outs.

On this Photoshop Introduction course you will learn how to create, edit and retouch images for digital, print and social media and use AI Tools for a number of things including re-colouring photo’s with the click of a mouse as shown below.

We cover a wide range of Photoshop tools and techniques on this course including photo enhancement, retouching and compositions. You will learn how to retouch your photographs, apply accurate colour and prepare them for print output.

This course also shows you how to design a range of images for social media output by designing and publishing banners, adverts and hero images for social media streams such as Instagram, FB and Linkedin. It goes without saying that we also include the newer AI tools on this course.


  • What is Photoshop?
  • Work with
  • Photoshop Tools, Panels & Interface
  • Photoshop AI Tools, Generative Fill, Neural Filters, Sky Replacement
  • Understand Layers, New Layers, Adjustment Layers
  • Photoshop & None-Destructive workflows
  • Create, edit and use accurate colour
  • Use Quick Select /Select Background /Select Hair
  • Object Selection Tools
  • Lasso Tools
  • Prepare images for Social Media
  • Retouching Tools
  • Quick Mask & Masking Techniques
  • Learn to prepare images for both print and web output

Our Online Photoshop Courses offer great flexibility timewise and are available on any time zone so we can offer 24 hour availability and over the weekend.


We run our online training sessions via the most popular video conferencing software including Zoom, Teams, Google and WebEx.

You will have direct contact with your Photoshop Trainer throughout the duration of the course via video and audio link in real time and be in contact visually and audibly throughout the whole time.

It’s your choice which video conferencing software you prefer but we can offer Zoom, Teams, Google and WebEx

Find out more about the Online Photoshop Training

We are happy to record your training session for you to refer back to after the training. Please let us know at time of booking if this is a requirement.


An added bonus of our online courses is there’s no travel involved meaning less stress on the planet so environmentally it makes great sense.


No fighting traffic or public transport just get up, have tea /coffee and something to eat, turn on the computer and we’ll be there ready to deliver your course.

Yes we do and overnight as we’re totally time zone compliant. Our Online Photoshop Courses run on a 24 /7 basis including weekends.

We are also able to organise our online training sessions as blocks so if you prefer we’re quite happy to split the course into half days.

Please be aware though flexible timings are only available with the online courses.

Yes it is, it’s perfect for anyone with no experience of Photoshop or with very little experience of the software. We often organise an online meeting prior to the course to discuss the contents and logistics of the day such as dates and timings so any concerns about content can be raised then.

  • The training is focused entirely on your and your company requirements
  • No traveling involved for you or your team saving travel & expenses
  • Cheaper than traditional training
  • The approach is focused specifically on you and your specific needs this is not a generic one size fits all course.
  • Prior to the training you chat with us about your aims, content preferences and levels of delegate /s knowledge
  • This Photoshop course is tailored to suit you or your team
  • Flexible dates & times to suit you


Find out more about our Onsite Photoshop Training

We deliver a large amount of courses but we specialise in tailored courses for our clients. You can view a few of them below or take a look at our navigation menu.


  • Adobe MasterClass Training
  • Adobe CC Express Training
  • Adobe Photoshop Intermediate Training
  • Adobe Photoshop Social Media Graphics Training
  • Adobe InDesign Introduction Training
  • Adobe InDesign Intermediate Training
Tailored Photoshop Course Info

These Photoshop courses are ideal for individuals or closed company courses looking to learn quickly and effectively around their own needs without having to take onboard skills they don’t know as on public training. If the course content isn’t to your criteria please let us know and we can provide a tailored Photoshop Course around you.

The course takes between one and two days depending on the amount of people on the course. For one person a day usually suffices but for small groups of between 4 and 6 people two days is more realistic.

Adobe Photoshop Training Courses in Newmarket - Overviews

Working with Photoshop

Control Bar /Properties Panel

Window Menu,

Photoshop Panels,


Photoshop & AI Tools

Generative Fill

Generative Prompts

Using Prompts Effectively

Neural Filters

Sky Replacement Tool

Photoshop Retouching Tools

Healing Brush

Spot Healing Brush

Clone Stamp Tool

Red Eye Tool

Content Aware Tool

Photoshop Type Tools

Create New

Photoshop Presets

Place Embedded /Linked

Print /Web /Mobile Setup

Layer Panel & Adjustment Layers

Creating, Editing Layers

Shuffling Layers

Background Layers & Duplicating Layers

Photoshop Quick Masks

Creating /Editing Basic Masks

Adding /Removing to Masks

Brushes /Controlling Brushes

Mask Modes

Photoshop Selection Tools

Lasso Tools

Quick Select /Colour Wand

Select & Mask

Select Subject /Background /Hair

Selection Properties

Photoshop and Colour Panels

Swatches Panel

CMYK, RGB, Pantones

Pantone & Spot Colour

Gradients, Creating, Editing & Colour Tone

Sampling, Mixing & Matching Colour

Colour Sampling

Save As /Saving

Different File Formats

Saving for Digital /Print

Optimising Images

Photoshop Work Area

Photoshop Interface /Workspaces

Photoshop Tools /Properties

Photoshop Panels / Menu’s


Adjustment Layers & None Destructive Workflows

None Destructive Workflow

Why use Adjustment Layers?

Creating & Editing Adjustment Layers

Smart Objects & SmartFilters

Photoshop Special Techniques

FX Effects /Drop Shadows & Blends

Texture /Patterns


Print Output


Preparing for Print

Working with Colour Output

File Formats, PSD, TIFF, PDF, JPEG, PNG

Accurate Positioning & Transformation Tools

Rulers, Guides, Grids

Transform & Free Transform Tools

Rotate Canvas /Rotate Layer

Crop Tool /Delete Pixels /Content Aware
Ratio /W&H

Content Aware Scale