Add Your Logo in Lightroom

Lightroom Quick Tip
One of the features covered in the Lightroom Course is how to Add Your Logo in Lightroom easily by using the nifty little Identity Plate feature. Which, of course is absolutely perfect for anyone who records Lightroom Tutorials and video or if you showcase images to clients.
Add Your Logo in Lightroom
Go to Edit >Indentity Plate Setup (Windows) Lightroom >Identity Plate Setup (MAC)

Choose Personalised from the Plate Drop Down menu

Style your logo by choosing from one of the system fonts then typing in your details

Click OK
Lightroom Quick Tip
Prefer a graphic logo instead?

Just click on the Grapical Identity Plate to instantly open a PNG image to Lightroom

Press OK
Lightroom Graphic Logo how do I design a logo?

You can use Photoshop to create your logo but remember when designing for the Lightroom workspace the image should be no more than 60 pixels in height. Unfortunately Lightroom does not provide any scaling options to make the image smaller so you do need to stick with the 60px’s.

Lightroom Training

Lightroom Training Course Reviews
Lightroom Training Course

Great course, I learned so much.
Dressage Trainer /Coach
Lightroom / Photoshop workshop.

Hi Greta, everyone really enjoyed the day, Jane has already put her new skills into action. John and I are already making plans with Lightroom.
Head of Photography
St Georges Academy
Adobe Lightroom Workshop

Very good course. I learnt all I needed and am confident using Lightroom now.
Photography Lecturer (Course Leader)

Extremly useful and a great learning opportunity where I learnt a huge amount of new tools and skills.

Photography Lecturer

An entertaining and very informative day that has given insight into how Lightroom can be used. Further practice will be needed but I now know the capability, flexibility and how effective Lightroom can be. A very useful workshop.

Photography Lecturer and HNC Course Organiser
Photography & Graphics Dept, City College Coventry