PowerPoint Training Courses
We have just updated many of our PowerPoint Training Courses with new content. Not everyone has Adobe software but the majority of people will have Microsoft on their computer which should include PowerPoint. Now at this point most people will be thinking about the ‘Death by PowerPoint’ quote but is that really true? Does it really apply to modern presenting?
Or quick simply is PowerPoint as boring as many say? Here at Greta Powell Training we don’t necessarily think so. In face we’re so sure we’ve built a number of PowerPoint Courses to show there is ‘life in the old dog’ yet.
PowerPoint is just presentation software!
Is it?
Well is can be more, so much more it just depends on how its used that makes the difference. For instance not everyone has got Adobe or Graphics software on their computers so one of the ways it could be adapted for more use is to create posts for your social media channels.
We’re going to walk through a few alternatives to a traditional presentation that you may not have considered.
PowerPoint & Social Media
You could build Instagram posts directly in PowerPoint simply by changing the slide size.
Simply go to the Design Tab on the PowerPoint Ribbon and click the down arrow on Slide size and choose Custom from the drop down. An Instagram post is 1080 by 1080 (pixels) but PowerPoint works in cm’s. Just convert both the width and height to 28.575 cm’s.
Voila we have an Instagram post size.
Add a Image, some shapes and a little text and you have an Instagram Image.
Export to Instagram
All you need to do now is to right click on the image and choose ‘Save as Picture’ from the context menu.
In the ‘Save as Type’ box that appears choose from JPEG or PNG
Press OK and you have your Instagram ready to be uploaded.
Animations in PowerPoint
If you have added animations to any of your images then these can also be uploaded to Instagram or other social media by turning them into a video or animated GIF. (For Instagram video such as MP4 is good)
Go to the File Menu, Click Export & choose either create video or create an animated GIF.
Follow through the screens and add your animated image to one or more of your social media channels.
PowerPoint Icons & Character People
You need to add icons, artwork or even people into your social media post’s?
Well PowerPoint has a wide range of built-in artwork for you to choose from such as icons, artwork which can be edited, recoloured and manipulated in a large number of ways.
These can then be quickly incorporated into your social media, and anything else, work.
PowerPoint & Live Translation
You can also transcribe your words into different languages or the same language using captions. Not only is this ideal for these not speaking your language but it’s perfect for anyone deaf or hard of hearing. These can be toggled on or off at any point in the presentation.
PowerPoint Training Courses
We run a number of PowerPoint Courses at Greta Powell Training ranging from Introduction to PowerPoint through to Advanced and our PowerPoint Design Techniques Course.
View our PowerPoint Introduction Course
Read more about how to create and design a presentation for business
Find out more about PowerPoint for Business
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