New Tools in Photoshop
With new tools coming to Photoshop we thought it would be a good idea to give a heads up as to what they might. We also thought it might be an idea to include some of the not so new as well. Not the newest but certainly one of the most popular features on the Photoshop Courses is the Content Aware Fill tool which has been greatly updated in the latest versions.
Then there is the New Object Selection Tool coming to Photoshop in the very near future. But this is going to be quite a fluid post so as and when new tools appear we’ll add them to this post but in the meantime take a quick look at these Youtube videos to get an idea of what goes on in the software.
Photoshop New Object Selection Tool
In this video Meredith Stotzner demonstrates the power of the new Object Selection which uses The Adobe Sensei feature to speed up the selection by snapping to the object. It is pretty slick considering all you need to do is to click, drag then release over the selection area. Don’t take our word for it, take a look at the following Youtube video to see for yourself.
Content Aware Fill Tool
Not new exactly but extremely useful is the most excellent Content Aware Fill Tool which is so intuitive it edges on the side of hard to believe. In this particular version you are able to choose between the Custom and Auto control. Back in the day you would use Content Fill (the old lasso tool for those who remember) then spend lots of time with layer masks to achieve ‘the look’. This was because there were no options available whereas today you have a fantastic array of Content Aware Properties.
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Content Aware Fill Tool - Auto & Custom
When using the Auto Option Photoshop automatically samples the photographs content then matches it up with pixel content surrounding the selection (this was done in the Photoshop examples above. Whereas Custom lets you brush in your own sampling area from scratch and then choose your output. It is probably the most flexible choice.
On the Photoshop Training Course we look at both methods in some depth and see how it can be best applied in your workflow to remove and blend objects /backgrounds in your images.
Photoshop Tools
We’ll be keeping this post up to date with new, old and not so old interesting Photoshop Tools and Features in the future so keep an eye open for new posts.
Photoshop Properties Panel
Whether you use it or not the Photoshop Properties Panel has been part of Photoshop for some versions now but in Photoshp 2020 it has had a bit of an overhaul. These are mainly to do with context sensitivity and work on the layer and active tool. Photoshop Properties Panel now has new Quick Actions such as Remove Background which runs along the same AI Sensei technology as other selection tools.
Using the Replace Background Tool
The Replace Background tool can not be used with a locked background so you need to either duplicate the layer first or unlock the background layer. This will then activate the ‘Remove Background’ link in the Properties Panel.
Now all you need to do is step back and watch it do its job.
Small but Useful Photoshop Features
You can access all 17000 (I think that is the correct amount but it changes and I am human so therefore I err) Adobe Fonts from the former Typekit collection but your Photoshop (Photography) plan lets you access these even without a full CC subscription.
In the Properties Panel you can access Stylistic Sets from any supported fonts – another bonus is the that plain English descriptions of Glyphs can be changed
Brush Tool – a small update. Arrow keys can now be used to rotate the brush tip whilst painting. Oh and a Greta tip – you can hold the ~ Tilde key to change it to an Eraser
You can now convert Smart Objects directing in the Properties Panel by clicking the Convert to Layers Button (who’d have thunk it?)
Photoshop Introduction Training Course - Midlands
We are Midlands based but travel the length and breadth of the UK delivering both set Photoshop Courses or tailored Photoshop Training Courses in-house on your premises. Here at Greta Powell Training we have found that people have a clear idea of what they want to achieve on their Adobe Courses and so can offer you complete flexibility.
One example of how flexible our Adobe Courses are is this particular Photoshop Training Course which was delivered as a tailored Photoshop Poster Course. The delegates wanted to learn Photoshop but their company also wanted to bring their external studio costs down as quickly as possible by bringing their poster design in-house. So the plan was set – kill two birds with one stone. The Introduction to Photoshop Course Content was delivered but around using the software to create posters during the two days.
The Introduction to Photoshop Course overview can be viewed here
Adobe Training Briefs
These are a few example of the courses run recently.
Finally thank you so much for visiting my site & reading through this post.