Photoshop Training Animated GIFS Tutorial
Photoshop GIF’s
“The Graphics Interchange Format is a BITMAP format developed by a team at CompuServe led by American computer scientist Steve Wilhite on June 15, 1987” making it around 30 years old.
Photoshop Tutorial – Objective
Click on Tools >Quick Select
Click the area to be selected and draw across it using Quick Select
Saving a Selection in Photoshop
Because I want the selection to be in the exact same place on each layer for the animation I have saved the selection to reuse during the process.
- Go to the Select Menu >Save Selection
- In the Save Selection box make sure Channel is defaulting to New and give the selection a name
- Click OK
Duplicate the Layer
- Go to Layers Panel
- Click either on the Layer or go to the Menu top right of the Layers Panel (as shown below)
- Select Duplicate Layer
- Rename the Layer
Change Colour using Hue & Saturation
Having created a second layer I now want to change the colour from red to blue
- Load the selection made earlier
- Make sure the correct selection is chosen in the Channel section
- Under Operation make sure New Selection is chosen
Once the second layer flower is selected
- Go to the Adjustments Panel>Hue & Saturation
- Adjust the Hue Slider until you are happy with the result
*Using the Adjustments Panel to change colours etc is working in a none destructive workflow and means that no edits are permanent until you decided so. If you apply adjustments from the Image menu then this will be applied directly onto the image
- Merge the Adjustment Layer down in the Layers Panel when happy with the result
In this case for Photoshop Training purposes four layers are probably enough
What is Hue & Saturation in Photoshop?
Saturation – is the depth of the colour of the image
Lightness – tends to the light & shadow of the colour
Quick Tip on Hue & Saturation
Try making a selection on a greyscale image and just tinting that specific region
Animating the Image
Now we are going to apply frame animation to the layers. To do this we need to use the Photoshop Timeline and the Layers Panel
- Go to the Window menu >Timeline
- Turn off all other layers and select just the one layer you want to apply the first animation to
- (In this case I selected the bottom one (the first) then click on ‘Create Frame Animation’ in the centre of the Timeline
- See example below
- Repeat this process for each layer in the Layers Panel
- Add New Frame from the Timeline Icon
- New Frame button is found next to the Delete button on the Timeline
Each layer should have its own Frame (as shown below)
All that remains to be done now is to set the timing
- Select the Frame you want to adjust the timing on
- Press the Downward Facing arrow and select timing. IE One Second
Remember to Save As a GIF
Finally press the Play button to watch
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