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  • Adobe InDesign Training in Cheshire

    Adobe InDesign Training
    in Cheshire


    Adobe InDesign Training Chester & Cheshire online and onsite This onsite Adobe InDesign Training in Cheshire runs across the whole region including Chester, Crewe and North Wales.


    This is an Introduction to InDesign Course where you will learn to create and design a range of spreads and layouts for magazines, flyers, info-graphics and interactive documents and then publish them for print or digital. 


    This InDesign course is available onsite at your premises in Cheshire or as a virtual online InDesign Training session with a live instructor.


    How do Online Adobe InDesign Training Courses work?

    InDesign Training CheshireOur online  Adobe InDesign Courses run virtually with a live instructor giving you direct contact with them throughout the training via video, chat & screen share.


    We run this online training via all the most popular video conferencing software including Zoom, Teams, Google and WebEx. It’s your choice which one you prefer.


    Please let us know if you would like a recording of the training.


    All our digital design courses are available online and online training is available on a 24 /7 basis including overnight and weekends. 


    If you have any questions about our Online Adobe Training please don’t hesitate and get in touch. We’re always happy to organise a Zoom /Teams meeting for an informal chat to answer your questions.


    Find out more about Online Training


    InDesign Training in Cheshire, who should attend this course?

    This InDesign Training is ideal for anyone new to the software who wants to learn InDesign from the very beginning.


    Over the years this course has been run for just about every sector imaginable including marketing and communications professionals, marketing assistants, education, construction, digital content creators, tender teams, PR. 


    Find out what our clients say about us


    InDesign Introduction Training, what you will learn?

    You will learn how to create spreads and layouts for both print and digital output. 


    You start at the beginning by creating new documents (including bleed, slug, margins & columns) and will also find out how to edit and update existing documents which may have been inherited from a former person. 


    You then find out how the different elements in InDesign work including colour (when and how to use it) add grids and guides for accurate content placement and understand how typography works. Learn how to work with features such as Parent Pages & Grids to give your spreads exact positioning, page numbering and positioning in your documents. 


    The course is very hands on and during your InDesign Introduction course you will work with different types of text, placing & flowing text /text frames and learn how to set up styles for type consistency throughout a document /or series of documents. 


    InDesign Images and Artwork

    And, of course it goes without saying that you will learn to work with images from Photoshop, Illustrator and external sources. Learn how to wrap text around them and add them to your CC Library. During the InDesign Course you will find out how to purpose documents for print, web and social media and understand the different file formats and processes for output.


    The course also covers design techniques and shows you how to design publications that look both professional and elegant. With this in mind we work with images, shade, gradients and colour to add sheen to your designs and spend time learning about CC libraries and reusable assets.


    InDesign & Interactive PDFs

    The course dips into InDesign’s interactive side and shows you how to repurpose content /create new content to publish interactive InDesign documents containing links, video and bookmarks.


    Find out more about our Adobe InDesign PDF Interactive Course


    • Edit & update existing documents
    • Work with colour, typography and use grids and guides to publish accurate and consistent looking documents
    • Find out about strokes, fills and gradients to enhance your document
    • Wrap text around images and artwork
    • Learn and understand the tools, features and techniques used to create highly effective and communicative layouts and spreads
    • Create and share CC Libraries
    • Format, Layout and Design Documents
    • InDesign’s Interactive Panel
    • Publish to various outputs including InDesign, PDF and Export


    By the end of the InDesign Course you will be able to create, edit and design a variety of different spreads and layouts including flyers, brochures, marketing materials, magazines. If there are any particular layouts you would like to work with this can be run as tailored InDesign Training.


    Onsite InDesign Training Courses, what are the benefits?

    Onsite training courses for Adobe Acrobat.Onsite InDesign training can be arranged for large team roll outs, 121 sessions, company groups /workshops.


    There are a number of benefits to onsite courses but the main ones are:  


    The training is focused entirely on you and your company and means there is no travel involved for any of your team saving you travel and expenses. 


    An onsite training approach also means that the content can be based on your specific criteria and tailored to suit you.


    We provide extremely flexible dates and times which again are worked to fit in with your diaries.


    Adobe InDesign Training Cheshire, how does onsite training work?

    The InDesign Training is run onsite at your premises and follows a similar pattern to traditional training except the trainer travels to you and not vice versa. This, of course saves a fortune on travel, hotel accommodation and expenses.  The course can be run for individual training, small company groups, team rollouts at dates and times that suit you.


    Find out more about onsite training in the Cheshire region


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    Adobe InDesign Training Cheshire




    Adobe InDesign Training in Cheshire - Overviews

    Getting started with InDesign

    Creating and saving a document

    New document setup

    Tools / panels

    Document navigation


    Setting up InDesign Documents

    Document Setup for Print & Web

    Bleed, Slug, Columns & Margins

    InDesign Presets


    Type Handling & Manipulation

    Placing text

    Character styles / Paragraph styles

    Typography and layouts

    Working with Styled Text


    InDesign Text Frames

    Working with Text frames

    Formatting Text frames

    Text frame properties

    Text frame – multi column setup

    Text Frame Threading (Text Flow)


    InDesign’s Stroke Panel

    Stroke Weight

    Stroke Options

    Stroke Arrows

    Cap, Join & Align Stroke Options

    Interactive Panel

    Adding Hyperlinks & Bookmarks


    Animations & Timings

    Publish Online /Publish Online Dashboard


    InDesign Images

    Placing images

    Editing images / graphic frames

    Image formats

    Graphic frames


    Laying out InDesign Documents


    Grids (including baseline grid for individual text frames)

    Rulers (zero point)

    Smart Guides


    InDesign Properties Panel 

    Properties Panel v Control Bar

    Properties Options


    InDesign Objects

    Working with Objects

    Object Effects

    Corner Options

    Image & Text Wrapping

    Text and Graphics

    Text Wrapping Options

    Wrapping Text around Image /Object /Bounding Box /Jump

    Text Offset


    Working with Colour in InDesign

    InDesign Colour Panels

    Swatch Panel

    Colour models, RGB, CMYK & Pantones

    Create New Colours

    Edit Existing Colours

    Accurate Colour for Print

    Eyedropper & Colour Theme Tools


    InDesign Object & Layout Options

    Align Panel




    InDesign to Print output


    Preparation for Professional Bureau

    Preflight & Preflight Panel


    Export (print) to .PDF


    Onsite InDesign Training Locations

    As well as delivering onsite InDesign Training in Cheshire, Chester, Crewe, Warrington, Crewe, Congleton, Winsford, Macclesfield, Nantwich we travel extensively across the UK. Please get in touch for an informal chat about availability and dates in your area.

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